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Ein Lebenszeichen von 'Litte Devil Inside'.


Dear all,

Began with a dream of two brothers.
You supported.
We became a team, then grew into a company and tried many hands to make light work.

Along the way in all efforts to making a great game, many great people have come and gone.
People with respectable but different purposes and pursuits.

In sharing these differences and thoughts, we were sometimes touched and moved and sometimes in conflict.
We are responsible for not being able to embrace the differences.

And of course, sincere apologies to you all.

So now, we're back to a smaller, bonded team with a single, common purpose - just to make a great game.

And all our core founding and starting members still here with the duty and conscience to fulfill what we set out to do.

We know this doesn't and shouldn't justify for all the delays and lack of news but we're still here, have been and always will be.

Equipped with one tide turning fact - having gone the long way around, we are stronger. Much stronger.

We have genuinely started discussions regarding publishing and once this clears out, hopefully we'll be able to answer what everyone wants to know.

Here, we've just strung together a series of gameplay clips representative of what we have been working on in the UE5 engine.

Thank you all.
For everything.

We've not forgotten. Never will.

Almost four years after its PS5 reveal at Sony's own Future of Gaming event, Little Devil Inside has resurfaced with an important update and a new trailer that represents what developer Neostream has been working on in Unreal Engine 5. Addressed to its Kickstarter backers (the game was a Kickstarter long before the Sony announcement), it's explained in poetic fashion that the studio grew in order to create Little Devil Inside, but is now back to a "smaller, bonded team" in search of a publisher.

Those still at Neostream have a common purpose: "just to make a great game". The update continues: "All our core founding and starting members still here with the duty and conscience to fulfil what we set out to do. We know this doesn't and shouldn't justify for all the delays and lack of news but we're still here, have been and always will be." It believes it's now in a "much stronger" position to deliver Little Devil Inside, which you can see in action above.

The team explains it's now opened talks with publishers, which means it'll soon "be able to answer what everyone wants to know". Presumably, the team is referring to a release date. "Thank you all. For everything. We've not forgotten. Never will," Neostream signs off saying.

What do you think of the new Little Devil Inside gameplay? When do you think it'll finally launch? Let us know in the comments below.

Nachdem ich auf der Xbox durch einen Bug nie das letzte Kapitel und das Ende gesehen habe, gibt es nochmal eine Runde auf der PS5. War ein sau geiles Spiel!
PS VR2 soll dieses Jahr PC-Support bekommen.

Also, we're pleased to share that we are currently testing the ability for PS VR2 players to access additional games on PC to offer even more game variety in addition to the PS VR2 titles available through PS5. We hope to make this support available in 2024, so stay tuned for more updates.

Hier auch die Meldung von Sony dazu:

505 Games schließt seine Standorte in Deutschland, Frankreich und Spanien. Smh ...

Remedy hat 505 Games die Rechte an Control abgekauft.


Man merkt eindeutig, dass das die letzten Aktionen im Fiskaljahr 2023 waren.