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MAD – Das vernünftigste Magazin der Welt

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"The saying goes that "All good things must come to an end." Star Trek ended once upon a time, and came back stronger than ever. And we can all hope the same for the print edition MAD Magazine, the iconic humor magazine that debuted in 1952 and will reportedly conclude its 67-year run in the coming weeks. Star Trek, of course, was often lampooned on the pages of MAD as Star Blecch, beginning back in the day when The Original Series stars William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy opened Mad Magazine issue #115 (December 1967) while on location shooting a TOS episode (likely "A Private Little War"). We were partial to the musical interpretations, particularly the one sung to the tune of "Send in the Clowns".

To tip our cap to MAD, Alfred E. Neuman and the magazine's many genius writers and artists, thought we'd share some iconic Trek-themed MAD covers and features."
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"The saying goes that "All good things must come to an end." Star Trek ended once upon a time, and came back stronger than ever. And we can all hope the same for the print edition MAD Magazine, the iconic humor magazine that debuted in 1952 and will reportedly conclude its 67-year run in the coming weeks. Star Trek, of course, was often lampooned on the pages of MAD as Star Blecch, beginning back in the day when The Original Series stars William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy opened Mad Magazine issue #115 (December 1967) while on location shooting a TOS episode (likely "A Private Little War"). We were partial to the musical interpretations, particularly the one sung to the tune of "Send in the Clowns".

To tip our cap to MAD, Alfred E. Neuman and the magazine's many genius writers and artists, thought we'd share some iconic Trek-themed MAD covers and features."